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Should I replace the blower motor or buy a new furnace?

Every homeowner understands the chill of uncertainty when the furnace starts showing signs of trouble, especially during the unforgiving winter months. 

The looming question, “Should I replace the blower motor or buy a new furnace?” isn’t just about immediate warmth, but long-term comfort and cost implications.

When deciding to replace the blower motor or buy a new furnace, consider the furnace’s age. A younger furnace, a few years into its typical 15 to 20-year lifespan, might benefit more from a blower motor replacement. However, an older furnace might indicate it’s time for a complete upgrade.

Replace Blower Motor or Buy New Furnace: A Stylish Approach to Home Heating

Just as we update our wardrobes with the changing seasons, our homes, too, need timely upgrades. Imagine the furnace as that classic coat you’ve worn for years. It’s kept you warm, but now it’s showing wear and tear.

Do you fix that small tear (replace the blower motor) or splurge on a trendy new coat (buy a new furnace)? A quick stitch might do the trick if that coat is relatively new.

But if it’s been your go-to for nearly two decades, it’s time for a fashionable upgrade.

Similarly, a younger furnace might just need a blower motor replacement, while an older one could be signalling a stylish overhaul. Either way, ensure your home is as chic and cozy as your winter wardrobe.

Upgrading Your Furnace: Blower Motor Replacement or Full Furnace Replacement?

Every homeowner knows the anxiety that brews when they hear odd noises or feel inconsistent temperatures from their furnace, especially as the colder months loom.

The central question: should you merely replace the blower motor, or is it time to invest in an entirely new furnace? This decision is not just about comfort—it’s also about cost-effectiveness and long-term peace of mind.


Choosing between a blower motor replacement and a new furnace isn’t straightforward. Several elements come into play:

  • Age of the Furnace: A newer furnace might just need some minor repairs, while an older one might be indicating its time is nearly up.
  • Efficiency Levels: If your furnace isn’t heating your home as it used to or is consuming more energy, it might be losing its efficiency.
  • Repair History: Constant repairs not only drain your wallet but indicate deeper, unresolved issues. If your furnace has a track record of frequent visits from the technician, it’s a red flag.

Lifespan Perspective

Just like any household appliance, furnaces come with an expiry date. On average, they serve faithfully between 15 to 20 years.

If you’ve only celebrated a few anniversaries with your furnace, replacing the blower motor can give it a new lease on life.

But, if it’s been warming your home for close to two decades, it’s wise to start thinking about its successor. With age, not only does efficiency drop, but parts become harder to find and replace.

Additional Factors to Consider

While the age and condition of the furnace are primary considerations, there are other equally vital factors to ponder:

  • Environmental Impact: Modern furnaces are champions of energy efficiency. They’re designed to give maximum heat with minimal energy, which not only cuts down your bills but also your carbon footprint. If environmental sustainability is a concern for you, a newer model is the way to go.
  • Technological Advancements: The furnace industry hasn’t been left behind in the tech revolution. Newer models come equipped with features that optimize heating, self-diagnose issues, and even integrate with smart home systems. These advancements can translate to more comfortable winters, fewer technician visits, and potential energy savings.
  • Resale Value: If you’re considering selling your home in the near future, a newer furnace can be an attractive selling point, signalling to potential buyers that the home is well-maintained.

Signs You Should Replace the Blower Motor

Every heating system has its own rhythm and routine sounds. As homeowners, we become accustomed to these sounds and often overlook them.

However, when these regular sounds change or become more pronounced, it’s a signal that something might be amiss.

One of the main components of your furnace, the blower motor, can exhibit certain signs when it’s nearing its end. Here’s how to decipher them:

Decreased Efficiency

Have your energy bills skyrocketed without a clear reason? A malfunctioning blower motor could be the culprit, leading to inefficient heating and increased costs.

The blower motor’s primary function is to circulate air throughout your home. If it’s not working at its optimal efficiency, your system will have to work harder, consuming more energy and driving up your bills.

Unusual Noises

If your furnace has started to sound more like a haunted house with grinding, squeaking, or rattling noises, it’s a clear sign that the blower motor might be in distress. These sounds can indicate issues with the motor’s bearings or belts.

Ignoring these noises can lead to more severe problems down the line, so it’s essential to address them promptly. If you’re looking for solutions on how to quieten these noises, check out our guide on how to quiet a noisy furnace blower.

Frequent Overheating

A furnace that frequently shuts down due to overheating is a signalling issue. While other factors can contribute, such as blocked filters or vents, a failing blower motor is often at the heart of the problem.

Overheating can be a safety concern, and regular shutdowns can wear out other components of the furnace faster.

Reduced Airflow

Are you struggling to feel that warm breeze even when your furnace is running? A weakened blower motor can lead to reduced airflow, compromising your home’s comfort. This can result in uneven heating, with some rooms feeling colder than others.

If you notice that the air from your vents is weaker than usual, it’s a sign that the blower motor might need attention.

Age of the Motor

Much like the furnace itself, older blower motors have a higher likelihood of failure.

Wear and tear over the years can degrade the motor’s components, leading to reduced efficiency and eventual failure. It’s wise to consider the motor’s age when debating a replacement.

Regular maintenance can extend its lifespan, but there will come a time when a replacement becomes inevitable.

Cost of Replacing the Blower Motor

As temperatures drop and the need for a warm, cozy home becomes paramount, the last thing any homeowner wants is a faulty furnace.

When the furnace blower motor starts acting up, the immediate thought is the cost of replacement. But how much should you expect to shell out?

Factors Influencing Cost

Replacing a furnace blower motor isn’t a one-size-fits-all pricing scenario. Several elements dictate the final bill:

  • Labour Costs: Depending on where you live and the expertise of the technician, labour charges can significantly vary.
  • Motor Brand and Type: High-end brands or specialized motors can drive up the cost.
  • Regional Price Differences: The cost of living in your area can influence the price of parts and labour.

Average Cost Range

While a ballpark estimate helps, it’s crucial to remember that costs can swing based on the above factors. Typically, homeowners should budget anywhere from $500 to $1,500 for a blower motor replacement.

Potential Additional Costs

Furnace repairs aren’t always straightforward. Sometimes, what starts as a blower motor replacement can uncover other underlying issues, leading to:

  • Extra parts or components that need replacing.
  • Additional labour hours.
  • Upgraded components for compatibility. It’s wise to have a contingency budget, just in case.

Cost of Buying a New Furnace

The thought of replacing an entire furnace can be daunting, especially when considering the costs involved. However, sometimes, a new furnace can be a more economical and efficient choice in the long run.

Types of Furnaces

The furnace market offers a plethora of choices, each catering to different needs and budgets:

  • Gas Furnaces: Popular for their efficiency and lower operational costs.
  • Electric Furnaces: Known for their safety and simplicity but can be more expensive to run.
  • Oil Furnaces: Less common; they offer robust heating but can be costlier and less efficient.

Pricing Factors

Several elements come together to form the final price tag of a new furnace:

  • Size and Capacity: A larger home requires a more potent furnace, increasing the cost.
  • Brand: Premium brands come with higher price tags but often offer better warranties and performance.
  • Efficiency Ratings: High-efficiency furnaces might cost more upfront but save money in the long run.
  • Installation Complexities: If your home requires additional ductwork or modifications, the installation costs can rise.

Average Cost Range

Given the array of choices and factors, furnaces can cost anywhere from $2,500 to a whopping $7,500. It’s essential to balance your budget with your home’s heating needs.

Long-Term Savings

While the initial investment can cause a dent in your savings, it’s vital to look at the bigger picture:

  • Reduced Monthly Bills: High-efficiency furnaces can drastically cut down your monthly heating bills.
  • Rebates and Tax Credits: Some energy-efficient models come with rebates or tax credits, softening the initial cost.
  • Longer Lifespan: Investing in a quality furnace can mean fewer repairs and a longer lifespan, offering value for money.

Which One is a Better Option: Replacing Blower Motor vs. Buying New Furnace

Every homeowner, at some point, is faced with this heating conundrum. The furnace isn’t working as efficiently, the house isn’t as warm, and the decision looms: do you replace the blower motor, or is it time to invest in a whole new furnace? Let’s delve deeper into the factors that can guide this crucial decision.

Short-Term vs. Long-Term

In the immediate aftermath of a furnace issue, your wallet might lean towards a blower motor replacement. After all, it’s the more economical choice upfront. But here’s where foresight is essential.

A new furnace, while more expensive initially, can offer tangible benefits in the long run. Its modern design and efficiency mean fewer breakdowns, less frequent repairs, and, crucially, reduced energy bills.

Over time, these savings can offset the initial investment, making the new furnace a cost-effective choice in the grand scheme of things.

Efficiency Considerations

The world is moving towards energy efficiency and for a good reason. Not only does it benefit our planet, but it’s also kinder to our pockets. Newer furnace models are at the forefront of this movement.

They are engineered to provide maximum heat output while consuming the least amount of energy. This efficiency translates to consistent warmth in your home, lower energy consumption, and, consequently, a drastic reduction in monthly bills.

So, while the older furnace, even with a new blower motor, might limp along, a brand-new model will sprint, offering unparalleled efficiency.

Home Value

Your home is not just a place to live; it’s an investment. And every component, including the furnace, contributes to its overall value.

If you’re contemplating selling your home soon or even a few years down the line, a modern, efficient furnace can be a significant selling point.

Potential buyers often look for homes that require minimal immediate repairs or replacements. A new furnace signals that the house is well-maintained and modernized, potentially fetching you a higher selling price.

Peace of Mind

Beyond the numbers and the tangible benefits lies an intangible yet invaluable factor: peace of mind. There’s a unique comfort in knowing that on the coldest winter night, your brand-new furnace, backed by its warranty and state-of-the-art features, will work flawlessly.

No unexpected breakdowns in the middle of the night, no dreaded repair bills, just consistent, comforting warmth. This reliability and assurance can be priceless, especially in homes with children, elderly members, or individuals with health concerns.


Choosing between replacing a blower motor and investing in a new furnace is a multifaceted decision that every homeowner will face at some point.

While the immediate costs might sway you one way, the long-term benefits, both in terms of savings and peace of mind, can paint a different picture.

Armed with the right information and a clear understanding of your home’s unique needs, you can make a decision that ensures warmth, comfort, and financial prudence for years to come.


What is the typical lifespan of a furnace blower motor?

The lifespan of a furnace blower motor typically ranges between 10 to 20 years, depending on maintenance, usage, and the quality of the unit itself.

How does a faulty blower motor impact energy bills?

A malfunctioning blower motor reduces furnace efficiency, leading to higher energy consumption and increased energy bills.

Are newer furnace models more energy-efficient than just replacing the blower motor?

Yes, modern furnace models are designed for optimal energy efficiency, often outperforming older furnaces even with a new blower motor.

Does replacing the entire furnace increase home resale value?

Yes. A new, efficient furnace can boost home resale value as it signals to potential buyers that the home is well-maintained and modernized.