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Pouring Hot Water On Frozen Heat Pump – Is It a Safe Solution?

As winter hits, many homeowners are confronted with a predicament: their heat pump is frozen and they’re not sure what to do.

The house is growing colder and you’re left wondering, “Should I pour hot water on my frozen heat pump?

This is a common question and the answer can have significant implications for the health and efficiency of your heat pump.

Yes, it is possible to pour hot or even warm water on your frozen heat pump to defrost it and clear away any snow or ice buildup. This technique is often employed in regions with milder winter conditions.

However, it’s crucial to understand the pros, cons, and potential risks associated with using hot water on your frozen heat pump to ensure its longevity.

Pouring Hot Water On Frozen Heat Pump: Should I Do It? – Brief Overview

Pouring hot water on a frozen heat pump can be a swift solution to defrost it and restore its function. However, it’s not without its risks.

The sudden temperature shift could lead to thermal shock, which might damage the pump’s components over time.

A more holistic and preventive approach involving regular maintenance, using the heat pump’s defrost cycle, and seeking professional help when necessary is often recommended to avoid frequent freezing and costly repairs.

Understanding the Impact of Frozen Conditions on Heat Pumps:

During colder months, a heat pump can accumulate frost or ice on the outdoor coil, which is an entirely normal occurrence due to the moisture in the air and freezing temperatures.

Most modern heat pumps have an automatic defrost cycle to tackle this. Yet, in extreme conditions, excessive ice can form, leading to the heat pump freezing up.

This ice build-up can block the heat transfer from the outside air to the refrigerant inside the heat pump, compromising its efficiency and potentially leading to damage if not addressed promptly.

Pouring Hot Water on Frozen Heat Pump: Is It Recommended?

The Debate: To Pour or Not to Pour Hot Water: This question has stirred quite a debate among homeowners and professionals alike. 

Some argue that it provides immediate relief from ice accumulation, allowing the heat pump to function optimally in a short period.

On the other hand, there’s a school of thought that suggests this abrupt change in temperature could harm the heat pump components, causing more harm than good.

Understanding the Mechanisms: Exploring the Science of Pouring Hot Water on a Frozen Heat Unit

To fully understand this , it’s important to grasp the science that underlies the operation of heat pumps and the impact of freezing conditions on them.

How Heat Exchange Works in Heat Pumps?

Heat pumps operate on the basic principle of heat transfer, which fundamentally asserts that heat flows from warmer to cooler areas until equilibrium is achieved.

This process in heat pumps is made possible by a refrigerant that cycles between the indoor and outdoor units, absorbing and releasing heat as it transitions between gaseous and liquid states.

Here are the essential steps in this process:

  1. Evaporation: Inside the indoor unit of the heat pump, the refrigerant absorbs heat from the air and evaporates into a gas.
  2. Compression: This gas then travels to the outdoor unit where it is compressed, raising its temperature further.
  3. Condensation: The hot gas releases its heat to the cooler outside air and condenses back into a liquid.
  4. Expansion: The high-pressure liquid refrigerant is expanded back into a gas, and the cycle repeats.

The effectiveness of this heat exchange process is integral to the efficiency of your heat pump.

The Role of Ice in Hindering Heat Transfer:

The efficiency of a heat pump, however, can be negatively impacted when the pump freezes over.

This is due to the formation of a layer of ice over the coils, which acts as an insulator, obstructing heat exchange/

The negative implications of ice build-up are numerous:

  1. Impedes Heat Transfer: The thicker the ice layer, the more it impedes the transfer of heat from the outside air to the refrigerant, thereby reducing the heat pump’s efficiency.
  2. Strains the System: In severe cases, the heat pump might struggle to provide sufficient heat, leading to discomfort during cold weather and potential damage from overworking the system.
  3. Decreases Lifespan: Persistent ice build-up, if not promptly addressed, can decrease the lifespan of the heat pump.

The Immediate Effects of Hot Water on Ice Accumulation:

The application of hot water on a frozen heat pump immediately begins to melt the ice, thereby restoring the normal operation of the heat pump.

However, this sudden shift in temperature can lead to rapid expansion and contraction of the pump’s components, potentially resulting in cracking or other damage.

The Pros and Cons of Using Hot Water to Defrost a Heat Pump:

Weighing the advantages and disadvantages of using hot water to defrost your heat pump is crucial to making an informed decision

Immediate Relief from Ice Accumulation: Pros

The immediate benefit of using hot water to defrost your heat pump is its speed and accessibility.

If your heat pump has frozen over, and you’re struggling to keep your home warm, pouring hot water can get the unit back to work quickly.

Here are a few benefits:

  1. Quick Solution: It provides immediate relief from ice accumulation.
  2. Easy to Execute: The method requires no specialized equipment.
  3. Restores Operation: It can quickly restore the normal operation of your heat pump.

The Risk of Damage and Other Potential Cons:

However, it’s important to note that along with these benefits, using hot water carries risks. 

The most significant is the potential for thermal shock, causing components to expand and contract rapidly, potentially leading to fractures or distortions.

Here are the risks involved:

  1. Potential Damage: Rapid changes in temperature may lead to thermal shock.
  2. Future Complications: Damage might not be immediately apparent but can cause issues over time.
  3. Risk of Electric Shock: There’s also a risk of electric shock if water makes contact with electrical components.

Precautions to Consider When Applying Hot Water

When resorting to the hot water method, there are some important precautions to bear in mind.

Firstly, the water should not be scalding hot as excessively hot water can cause instant damage.

Secondly, avoid pouring water directly onto the electronic parts or into the fan motor to prevent potential electrical issues.

Alternative Methods for Dealing with a Frozen Heat Pump:

Apart from the hot water method, there are several other strategies that can be employed to manage a frozen heat pump.

Regular Maintenance and Inspection:

Proactive regular maintenance and inspection are essential in preventing your heat pump from freezing.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Clean Filters: Ensure the filters are clean, allowing for unobstructed airflow.
  2. Insulate the System: Make sure the system is well-insulated to handle cold weather.
  3. Clear the Area: Keep the area around the outdoor unit clear of snow and ice.
  4. Schedule Inspections: Consider scheduling regular inspections by a professional to preempt potential issues.

Using Defrost Cycle of the Heat Pump:

Modern heat pumps usually come with a built-in defrost cycle that automatically melts away frost build-up on the outdoor unit.

This feature is designed to maintain the heat pump’s efficiency during cold weather.

If your heat pump is frequently freezing, it might suggest that the defrost cycle isn’t working correctly, and you may need professional help.

Professional Heat Pump Servicing:

When the freezing of your heat pump becomes frequent or if the defrost cycle is not functioning correctly, it is advisable to seek professional help.

HVAC experts can identify underlying issues, like refrigerant leaks or faulty defrost controls, and provide necessary repairs.

They also offer preventative maintenance services that can save you from costly repairs in the future.

Browns Heating & Cooling, providing top-quality heat pump services in Chicago and its vicinity, has been operational since 2016. Our EPA-certified and factory-trained technicians are at your service, offering authentic advice and affordable rates. Give us a call at (708) 536-8134 or book your appointment today.


In conclusion, pouring boiled water on a frozen heat pump can indeed offer a quick solution, especially in an emergency where you need the system to operate immediately.

However, this method is not without its potential risks, such as causing thermal shock that can damage the components of the heat pump.

Regular maintenance and inspection, use of the heat pump’s defrost cycle, and professional servicing are reliable alternatives to prevent frequent freezing.

No matter the method, it’s important to remember that the key lies in regular maintenance and early detection of problems.

Being proactive in taking care of your heat pump can save you a lot of discomfort and expense down the line.


What are the risks associated with pouring hot water on a frozen heat pump?

This can cause thermal shock due to the sudden temperature change, potentially leading to cracks or damage to the heat pump’s components.

Is there a safer way to defrost a frozen heat pump?

Yes, many modern heat pumps come with a built-in defrost cycle designed to automatically melt away frost build-up, helping to maintain efficiency during cold weather.

What precautions should I take if I decide to pour hot water on a frozen heat pump?

Ensure the water is not scalding hot to avoid causing instant damage, and refrain from pouring water directly onto electronic parts or into the fan motor to avoid electrical issues.

How can I prevent my heat pump from freezing?

Regular maintenance and inspection, keeping the outdoor unit clear of snow and ice, and ensuring the system is well-insulated can help prevent your heat pump from freezing.

What are signs that my heat pump might need professional attention?

Persistent freezing despite defrosting attempts, lower-than-normal heat output, and unusual noises or vibrations from the heat pump are indications that you may need professional servicing.