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How To Fix Dehumidifier Blowing Hot Air – Expert Tricks & Tips

Has your dehumidifier suddenly started blowing hot air, leaving you puzzled and uncomfortable? You’re not alone, and fortunately, the solution might be simpler than you think. 

Understanding how to fix a dehumidifier blowing hot air is essential for maintaining a pleasant environment, especially during those humid months. 

Whether it’s a clogged air filter, a dirty evaporator coil, or a malfunctioning fan, there are specific steps you can take to bring your dehumidifier back to its optimal performance.

To fix a dehumidifier blowing hot air, one must identify the underlying problem, such as a dirty evaporator coil, malfunctioning fan, or blocked air filter. Solutions range from cleaning the evaporator coil and replacing the fan to adjusting settings and sealing refrigerant leaks. 

Regular maintenance and understanding of your dehumidifier’s capacity will ensure optimal performance.

How to Fix Dehumidifier Blowing Hot Air – Quick Solution

Fixing a dehumidifier that’s blowing hot air can be tackled with understanding and a methodical approach. 

Start by diagnosing the root cause, such as checking for a dirty evaporator coil or a malfunctioning fan. 

Cleaning the coil involves unplugging the dehumidifier, accessing the coil, and carefully removing dust and debris. 

If the fan is the issue, assessing its condition and replacing it if necessary can be the solution. 

Adjusting the settings according to your room’s requirements and maintaining the dehumidifier can also resolve the problem, enhancing comfort, health, and energy efficiency.

Why is Dehumidifier Blowing Hot Air – 5 Causes

Dehumidifiers are essential in controlling humidity levels, providing a comfortable environment in your home. A common issue users encounter is the dehumidifier blowing hot air. This occurrence can lead to increased room temperature and discomfort.

When a dehumidifier blows hot air, it fails to perform its primary function of controlling humidity levels. This leads to poor air quality and discomfort, negatively impacting both your health and your energy bills.

Cause 1: Dirty Evaporator Coil

A dirty evaporator coil can significantly affect the performance of the dehumidifier. Dirt and dust build-up on the coil will obstruct the proper flow of air, causing the machine to overheat and blow hot air.

By regularly inspecting and cleaning the coil, you can prevent this issue. Not only does a clean coil ensure efficient operation, but it also extends the lifespan of the dehumidifier.

Cause 2: Malfunctioning Fan

The fan malfunction in a dehumidifier can lead to it blowing hot air. If the fan isn’t working correctly, the machine’s cooling system may fail, leading to an overheated dehumidifier.

A professional inspection can quickly diagnose this problem. Regular maintenance checks will ensure that the fan operates smoothly and your dehumidifier functions optimally.

Cause 3: Incorrect Settings

Sometimes, the culprit might be as simple as incorrect settings. Setting your dehumidifier to a higher temperature or incorrect mode might cause it to blow hot air.

Carefully reading the user manual and understanding the proper settings for your particular environment can help you avoid this problem and keep your home at the desired humidity level.

Cause 4: Refrigerant Leakage

Refrigerant leakage is a more serious issue that can cause your dehumidifier to blow hot air. The leak might cause the refrigerant level to drop, reducing the unit’s cooling ability.

Professional servicing is often required to detect and fix a refrigerant leak. Regular inspections can prevent leakage and ensure the dehumidifier continues to function efficiently.

Cause 5: Blocked Air Filter

A blocked air filter restricts airflow within the dehumidifier, leading to overheating and consequently blowing hot air.

Cleaning or replacing the filter at regular intervals ensures that air flows freely. This simple maintenance step will make your dehumidifier more efficient and prevent the problem of blowing hot air.

The five main causes of a dehumidifier blowing hot air include a dirty evaporator coil, a malfunctioning fan, incorrect settings, refrigerant leakage, and a blocked air filter. Understanding these issues and taking preventive measures can help you maintain a comfortable and healthy living environment.

Solutions for a Dehumidifier That Blows Warm Air

Fixing a dehumidifier blowing hot air requires a keen understanding of the underlying problem. The solutions can vary, and it’s crucial to apply the appropriate fix. Here’s a comprehensive look at the common solutions:

1. Clean the Evaporator Coil

The evaporator coil plays a key role in cooling the air within the dehumidifier. When dirty, it can cause the device to blow hot air.

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Unplug the dehumidifier: Safety first. Ensure the dehumidifier is unplugged before beginning the cleaning process.
  2. Remove the cover to access the coil: Refer to your manual to understand how to access the coil without causing any damage.
  3. Use a soft brush to remove dust and debris: Gently clean the coil, ensuring you don’t damage any components.
  4. Apply coil cleaner: Utilize a cleaner specifically designed for coils, following the instructions on the packaging.
  5. Rinse thoroughly and let it dry: After cleaning, rinse with water and let it dry completely before reassembling.

Always refer to your dehumidifier’s manual for specific instructions, as models may vary. Cleaning the evaporator coil not only resolves the hot air problem but also enhances efficiency and longevity.

2. Fix the Malfunctioning Fan

A malfunctioning fan can lead to the dehumidifier overheating. Repairing or replacing the fan can fix this issue.

  1. Unplug the dehumidifier: Always unplug the device before inspecting or repairing it.
  2. Open the unit to access the fan: Refer to the manual for guidance on accessing the fan without causing damage.
  3. Check for visible damage or obstructions: Look for anything that may be hindering the fan’s operation.
  4. If repairable, fix the issue or replace the fan if necessary: Determine whether the fan can be repaired or needs replacement.
  5. Test the dehumidifier to ensure it’s working correctly: Reassemble the device and test to confirm the issue has been resolved.

3. Adjusting the Settings

Incorrect settings can be a simple cause of the hot air problem.

Steps to resolve:

  1. Review the manual for proper settings: Each model may have different temperature and mode settings.
  2. Adjust as needed: Find the settings that suit your environment and preferences.
  3. Monitor the dehumidifier’s performance: Regularly check to ensure the problem doesn’t recur, making further adjustments if needed.

4. Seal Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant leaks can be complex and often require expert handling.

Steps to take:

  1. If you suspect a leak, contact an HVAC expert: This isn’t typically a DIY job; professional assistance is advisable.
  2. Regular maintenance: Having your dehumidifier checked regularly can prevent leaks, ensuring efficient operation.

5. Clean or Replace the Blocked Air Filter

Blocked air filters are a common cause of hot air issues and are often an easy fix.

Steps to resolve:

  1. Check the filter for dust and debris regularly: Regular inspection helps you catch problems early.
  2. Clean or replace it as needed: Depending on the level of blockage, either clean the filter or replace it entirely.
  3. Ensure optimal airflow and performance: Keeping the filter clean ensures the dehumidifier operates efficiently.

6. Professional Assistance

If the problem is beyond simple fixes, professional help may be necessary.

When to seek help:

  1. If the problem persists after trying the above solutions: Don’t hesitate to call a technician if the issue remains unresolved.
  2. Find a qualified technician: Look for experienced professionals who specialize in dehumidifier repairs.
  3. Ensure efficient operation: A professional can accurately diagnose and fix the problem, ensuring that your dehumidifier operates efficiently and effectively.

These detailed solutions provide a comprehensive guide to resolving the issue of a dehumidifier blowing hot air. Regular maintenance and awareness of these common issues will not only save time but also extend the life of your device, providing a comfortable and healthy living environment.

If you are living in Chicago & surrounding area call Browns Heating & Cooling for Dehumidifier repair or maintenance, we are EPA-certified and all our technicians are factory-trained.

What is the Best Air Temperature that Comes Out of a Dehumidifier?

The ideal air temperature from a dehumidifier varies depending on various factors, including room size, humidity levels, and personal preference. Generally, a comfortable range is between 70°F and 75°F.

Factors Influencing Air Temperature

The air temperature that comes out of a dehumidifier is not merely a result of the machine’s settings. Several interconnected factors influence this temperature, and understanding them can help in achieving the desired comfort level.

Dehumidifier’s Capacity:

  • Explanation: The size and power of the dehumidifier play a vital role in determining the air temperature.
  • What to Consider: Choose a dehumidifier that matches the size of the room. An overly large or small unit may not provide the desired temperature.

Room Size:

  • Explanation: The size of the room where the dehumidifier is placed affects how the air temperature is perceived.
  • What to Consider: Know the exact measurements of the room and match it with the dehumidifier’s capacity to maintain a consistent temperature.

External Climate:

  • Explanation: The temperature and humidity outside can impact the efficiency of the dehumidifier.
  • What to Consider: In very humid climates, a more powerful dehumidifier might be needed. In drier climates, a smaller unit may suffice.

Individual Preferences:

  • Explanation: Personal comfort levels differ, so the “right” temperature may vary from person to person.
  • What to Consider: Adjust settings to personal preferences, considering other occupants’ comfort as well.

Achieving the Right Temperature

Achieving the right temperature is a balance between understanding your dehumidifier’s capacity and considering the room’s specific needs. Here’s a guide to help you:

Understand Your Dehumidifier’s Settings and Capacity:

  • Explanation: Knowing the capacity of your dehumidifier and the settings available help you align it with your needs.
  • What to Do: Read the user manual and experiment with different settings to find what works best.

Adjust According to Room Requirements:

  • Explanation: Room size, humidity levels, and personal preferences should inform your settings.
  • What to Do: Regularly monitor the room’s conditions and adjust settings accordingly.

Regular Maintenance:

  • Explanation: Keeping the dehumidifier in optimal working condition ensures consistent performance.
  • What to Do: Regularly clean and inspect the unit, following the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Benefits of Maintaining Optimal Air Temperature

Maintaining the optimal air temperature has far-reaching effects on comfort, health, and even financial well-being. Here are some of the benefits:

1. Comfort:

The right temperature enhances overall comfort in the living or working space. Fine-tune the dehumidifier settings to meet the room’s needs and individual preferences.

2. Health

Proper temperature control can help in maintaining a healthy environment, reducing allergens, and promoting general well-being.

Regularly maintain the dehumidifier and adjust settings to prevent excessive dryness or humidity.

3. Energy Efficiency

Running a dehumidifier at its optimal temperature setting ensures that it consumes energy efficiently, saving on electricity bills.

Select the right-sized dehumidifier, maintain it regularly, and adjust settings according to external and internal factors.

These three aspects highlight the importance of understanding the multiple factors influencing air temperature and the methods to achieve and maintain the desired level. 

Not only do they provide a more comfortable environment, but they also contribute to health benefits and energy efficiency, showcasing the essential role that temperature plays in our daily lives.


A dehumidifier blowing hot air can cause discomfort and frustration, but with the right knowledge and a little effort, it doesn’t have to be a persistent problem. 

Understanding the factors that influence air temperature and how to achieve the right temperature can help maintain the optimal performance of your dehumidifier. 

Whether it’s regular cleaning of the evaporator coil, replacing a blocked air filter, or seeking professional assistance when needed, the solutions are within reach. 

Embracing these practices not only restores your dehumidifier but also contributes to a healthier, more comfortable living space, all while saving on energy costs. 

It’s a win-win situation that puts control back in your hands, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of a well-functioning dehumidifier.


What are the common causes of a dehumidifier blowing hot air?

The common causes of a dehumidifier blowing hot air include a dirty evaporator coil, a malfunctioning fan, incorrect settings, refrigerant leakage, and a blocked air filter. Each of these problems can be diagnosed and fixed with appropriate care and maintenance.

How can I clean the evaporator coil to fix my dehumidifier blowing hot air?

To clean the evaporator coil, unplug the dehumidifier, remove the cover to access the coil, use a soft brush to remove dust, apply coil cleaner, rinse thoroughly, and let it dry before reassembling. This cleaning can restore normal function.

When should I seek professional assistance to fix my dehumidifier blowing hot air?

If the problem persists after trying common solutions like cleaning the coil or fixing the fan, or if you suspect complex issues like refrigerant leakage, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance from a qualified HVAC technician.

How can I maintain optimal air temperature from my dehumidifier?

To maintain optimal air temperature, understand your dehumidifier’s settings and capacity, adjust according to room requirements, and ensure regular maintenance. Being aware of factors like room size and external climate helps in achieving the desired temperature.